Lipo-Mino Injections

Atown Family Med is excited to now be offering Lipo-Mino Injections!

This injection is custom-made and specially compounded to fit the needs of our patients.


Injection Benefits

  • Boosts Metabolism & Energy
  • Promotes Better Sleeping Habits
  • Increases Hair & Nail Growth
  • Detoxes Liver
  • Improves Memory & Awareness
  • Improves Immune System

Active Ingedients

  • Pyridoxine (B6)
    Promotes production of red blood cells and maintains the health of skin and nerves. Aids in the conversion of food to energy for the body.
  • Methionine
    Metabolizes sugar and carbohydrates for energy.
  • Inositol
    Increases insulin function and helps to convert food into energy.
  • Choline
    Metabolizes lipids (fat) and converts it to energy. Also, minimizes muscle recovery time and promotes health of nerves.
  • Thiamine (B1)
    Boosts immune system of the body and helps to metabolize fat and carbohydrates into energy.
  • Riboflavin (B2)
    Increases metabolism of the body and helps to maintain and improve immune system.
  • Carnitine

    Decreases build-up of fat by converting to energy. Reduces the body’s recovery times and helps to improve and promote muscle building potential.

  • Hydroxocobalamin (B12)

    Improves health of nerve cells and increase vision quality. Promotes energy and helps fight fatigue.